Privacy Policy for Rizzpond

Last Updated: November 28, 2023

Welcome to Rizzpond. Rizzpond is an innovative app designed to enhance your messaging experience by providing intelligent responses, sentiment analyses, and picture analysis functionalities. By accessing or using the Rizzpond app, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

1. Information We Collect

We may require access to screenshots and photos for analysis, along with device-specific information for app functionality.

2. How We Use Your Information

To provide tailored responses, analyses, and picture analysis based on user inputs. For continuous improvement and development of new features. To diagnose and monitor usage trends and app security.

3. Sharing Your Information

Inputs may be sent to OpenAI API for generating responses and picture analyses, which are anonymized and not stored.

4. Your Choices

Users can opt out and remove the app to delete locally stored data. Permission settings can be adjusted in device settings.

5. Data Retention

No personal data is kept or stored. Used API endpoints have no data retention.

6. Security

We strive to protect your information, acknowledging that no method is 100% secure.

7. Children's Privacy

Rizzpond is intended for users aged 17 and over. We do not knowingly collect information from those under 17.

8. Disclaimer

Users assume responsibility for app usage. We disclaim liabilities from usage or inability to use the app.

9. Changes to this Privacy Policy

Updates will be posted on this page, and continued use after changes indicates agreement to the modified policy.

10. Contact Us

Questions about this Privacy Policy can be directed to